Afearia's Origins

From early childhood, Afearia has been in training for as long as she can remember. Deprived of freedom and common adolescent joy, she grew up as a top notch warrior who has an unparalleled lust for combat. Orphaned from birth, the closest things she had to a parent are the elders of Elysium. But it's arguable to how much goodhearted parenting went into her upbringing.
Afearia has spent her entire life in captivity as a palace resident. Her knowledge is vast from her rich academics, but her social skills are lacking because of her small world life. She never learned how to make friends or to understand simple forms of modesty. She's blunt and rarely ever sugarcoats her beliefs or in-house teachings, compelling those who think differently that her words are truth.
Because of this, her cold exterior and haughty attitude makes it easy for those she meets to dislike her. But if there is one thing she will always express, it's her sincere desire to bring the lost light from the world back to where it once was.
Afearia has spent her entire life in captivity as a palace resident. Her knowledge is vast from her rich academics, but her social skills are lacking because of her small world life. She never learned how to make friends or to understand simple forms of modesty. She's blunt and rarely ever sugarcoats her beliefs or in-house teachings, compelling those who think differently that her words are truth.
Because of this, her cold exterior and haughty attitude makes it easy for those she meets to dislike her. But if there is one thing she will always express, it's her sincere desire to bring the lost light from the world back to where it once was.